Tuesday, October 19, 2004


In the wintertime where I come from, not wearing your coat could spell certain doom for your outer extremities. It is a part of your existence in essence; you check it at doors so that you are not overheated inside a residence. You lay it down across a vacant chair at a table when in a restaurant keeping an eye not to lose your cell phone in the pocket, it is a part of you and you a part of it. This is the very same analogy for your ego, it goes where you go and is an integral part of your fabric as a human. However, there are times where it must be checked at the door, laid across an empty chair in a restaurant with your watchful eyes upon it.

An ego is a funny thing. It makes you laugh when you are in fact sad, it makes you angry when you are actually afraid. It can cloud your judgment in a time when you really need it most to be impartial and unbiased. As a referee, an ego is a bad thing to have when you are on the court.

At times I must check my own ego with a fellow official in order to call a fair game. This is the hardest situation to be in because it causes tension all around. I have talked with many individuals and come to one conclusion, NOT A SINGLE PERSON COMES TO A GAME TO WATCH THE OFFICIALS. In fact, they come to watch the players. Sound strange? If it does, you are in the wrong field.

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